What challenged me with the secret door at this point was the flooring. In the design of the secret door module I decided to have a section of the wall break away as the secret door. Without getting into the mechanics too much, the flooring for that wall section would slide inside the room. Pictured here is the floor untouched with the wall sitting on it.
After determining the size of the secret wall/door section I had to measure and mark the flooring for the top layer. This section of foamcore would then be cut to allow the middle section to slide inward. Dry fitting, gluing and waiting took priority in making sure the flooring would work the way I intended. The outer sections were glued on first and were measured to fit the base of the archway section. This is how I envisioned the door would move into the room.
With the glue dry I measured out the middle flooring to see how much room I would need for the secret door to slide inward and allow a figure to pass through the opening. Pictured here you can see from a top down view of the figure having space to move in and around the door slid inward. I drew some simple lines to start the tile pattern of the flooring as well.
Even though I cut the middle floor section I plan to keep the unneeded floor part for the module in case I want to cover the track below. Pictured also is how far the door will slide into the room and how the flooring looks with the carved tile pattern.
Like the other floor tiles I carved the foam with a similar tile pattern, although the floor gaps are still an indicator of inconsistencies of the flooring.